Orange Zest & Cumin Pork Chops

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  • Serves: 4 Servings
  • Prep Time: 5 mins
  • Cooking: 20 mins
  • Total Time: 25 min

Every once in a while, Christina and I are underwhelmed by the options we have in the kitchen. While this quickly becomes frustrating, especially if we are hungry, it is also a blessing because it forces us to dig deeper to find new flavors that reawaken our passion for cooking. This recipe has been one of those recipes for us. The cumin and orange zest work together in a perfect synergy of bright flavors and subtle spice while both are enticingly aromatic and attractive to the senses. Everyone, at one point in time, has peeled a fresh orange, seen the zest crack off the peeling rind, and took a deep breath in to smell that gorgeous citrus smell. Well, this recipe embodies that same experience and masterfully ties in cumin to accentuate the more herbal nature of the citrus as well as provide a shockingly firm body that flavors the entire dish. This recipe was one we thoroughly enjoyed and the 4 pork chops never even stood a chance. Go give this one a shot and enjoy your kitchen's resurrection of flavor and adventurous cooking.



Preheat the oven to 350. Start by removing any excess fat from your pork chops. Sprinkle cumin on both sides of the chop as well as black pepper. Press the cumin and pepper into the meet so that it does not fall off when moving the cuts. Meanwhile, heat a skillet on high heat with 2tbsp of olive oil in it. When the oil is hot, add in the chops.

Orange Cumin Pork Chops

Sear the chops on each side for about 2 minutes, and then flip over for 2 more minutes. Remove chops immediately after searing.

Pork Chops Searing

Line a baking dish with aluminum foil and add the pork chops as well as all the orange rinds. Feel free to twist the peels over the dish to excrete some of those oils onto the pork chops. Cover the whole dish with more foil and place in oven for 10-15 minutes based on thickness of chops. If you want to check for doneness, cut to the middle of the thickest pork chop. If it is white and not running pink, they are ready.

Orange Cumin Pork Chops

Let sit in foil for 5 more minutes outside the oven before uncovering. Once done, plate each chop on a plate & garnish with an orange peel. Recommend serving with green beans, asparagus, or a light grain.

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