The Paloma

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  • Serves: 1 Serving
  • Prep Time: 2 mins
  • Cooking: 3 mins
  • Total Time: 5 min

The Paloma is a day at the beach in a glass. If you're looking for an easy drink to make in large batches for a beach day or a summer BBQ (tacos with friends in our case!), this drink is the one for you. Tangy grapefruit and lime, tequila, a touch of sweetness from the agave and a sparkling water spritz are all you need.

Today we walked with our pup to get coffee down the hill overlooking the ocean, sat by our gym-pool observing the most complex floating yoga class we've ever seen, visited our local farmer's market and spent the afternoon beach-side -- AND ran into friends! We feel so lucky to live where we do and have the means to enjoy our weekends to the fullest!

Cheers to the weekend and spending time doing things that make us happy!



In a mason jar, add your ingredients. No ice. Shake to ensure your agave incorporates with your citrus juice and tequila. Then add ice and shake again until chilled.

Double strain into a Tom Collins glass over ice and top with sparkling water. Add your garnish.



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